Welcome to the website of...

Peter Rose and family

Peter Rose
Peter, February 2020

I started this website back in the late 1990s as a way for friends to keep up with my activities. The site has expanded since then in many ways beyond the few, simple pages of content I began with. I've met a lot of great folks from all around the world because of this site, and look forward to meeting many more.

The web in general has grown and changed considerably as well. Static personal web sites such as this one have mostly been replaced with interactive blogs, and other online social media and social networking sites such as Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.

As a senior web based business applications software engineer, I watched all of this development over the years with great interest, seeing what a remarkable change this was for building communicative relationships on a huge scale. When I started this site, not only wasn't that possible, it was unheard of.

But I had, and still have, no interest in broadcasting my activities to the world through these social media venues. Rather, I simply chose to continue with this basic, straight forward format.

The businesses I have, and have had, as referenced here are not social media type entities, anyway. They're simply activities that I engage in. Clients find me either by stumbling onto (er... that would be referred to) this site, word of mouth, or through standard marketing and advertising methods.

This isn't a web blog with interesting things being written about. It's just a way for me to record the ordinary things going on in our lives, as well as a central listing of the other activities I'm engaged in. I enjoy writing, and so this was more of a relaxing escape for me from my busy work life, and now a relaxing enhancement for me in retired life, than it is to provide witty entertainment for casual visitors.

Getting Around...
Core Activities
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Fluid Love.

Other Areas

Latest Events...
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It was great to have Colin bring Rezleigh up to have lunch with us on a beautiful 06/28/24 Friday summer day!

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Sue picked Mia up Saturday 06/22/24 for a day visit with us here at the house.
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Sue out did herself by planning and executing a surprise 75th Birthday celebration the weekend of the 16th.


What's Happening...
      For this year's events from January to now, see this year's archive page.

Pitiful Disclaimer....
I'm sorry, but many times I get far behind in creating and posting the detail page and corresponding pictures that go along with an event entry. Bear with me as I try to keep up with these postings....

06/09/24: Another Quiet Sunday Dinner For 2
Basil roasted pork with baked potatoes along with sides of sauteed mushrooms in an herb and sherry sauce and herb steamed asparagus made a simple, and yet wonderful meal to end a wonderful day.

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With a smooth Sauvignon Blanc to round things off.

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The Beau Dog at rest....

06/16/24: 75th Birthday And Fathers Day
Sue out did herself by planning and executing a surprise 75th Birthday celebration the weekend of the 16th.

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06/22/24: Mia Comes For A Day Visit
Sue picked Mia up Saturday 06/22/24 for a day visit with us here at the house.

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06/27/24: Dinner On The River In Portsmouth
It was such a beautiful day that Sue and I decided to drive down to Portsmouth and have a relaxing early mid week dinner at one of the cities terrific restaurants along the Piscataqua River.

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06/28/24: Colin And Rezleigh Come For Lunch
It was great to have Colin bring Rezleigh up to have lunch with us on a beautiful 06/28/24 Friday summer day!

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Rezleigh on the move!

06/30/24: Visit With Sue's Brother
Sue and I hoped into the car with The Beau Dog late Sunday morning for a drive up to Brownfield, ME to visit with her brother Alan and his wife Kathleen.

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It was a beautiful ride up; the weather just perfect. Alan was in great spirits, and we stayed so long that Kathleen and I drove over to The Back Burner Restaurant to pick up an early dinner order for us. It wasn't quite ready when we got there, and so Kathleen and I grabbed a high top and enjoyed a local beer while waiting.

07/01/24: Nancy Visits For Summer Dinner
Our friend Nancy drove up Monday July 1st to visit with us and have a summer dinner out in the screen porch.

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I had opened a nice bottle of red wine that went great not only because we enjoyed it outside, but in was a terrific complement with dinner. I think it was even medicinal for Nancy's injured knee and must have been a great addition to the leg brace she was wearing to take the strain off of it.

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Sue had found this great sounding North African chicken thighs in a wonderful gently spiced sauce recipe that I fixed along with thyme and lightly curry steamed cut carrots. Man, was that good!

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We decided to eat inside as the little cafe table out on the porch would have been a little tight.

07/03/24: Massive 4th of July Traffic
Sue found this picture posted online the day before the 4th holiday showing one of the massive traffic jams of people driving up here to the lakes region of New Hampshire.

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It took hours for all this to clear.

07/04/24: 4th Of July Cookout
Sue and I just had a very relaxing 4th of July together, not minding missing any of that traffic, or the masses of people everywhere!

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Site content Copyright © 1999 Peter Rose.
No use of any site content, written or photography, allowed without permission.
Peter Rose, zzrose - at - yahoo - dot - com