
The first snowfall was a late one, not arriving until mid January 2000! I guess this means no one's going sailing for awhile...

Here's Colin and Marissa relaxing in the pool on the Disney Magic during our 4 day January cruise.

January 2000 family trip on the Disney Magic. What a great time!

Well, the Spring thaw has started. These swans wandered up from the beach 03/29 to see what they could find in the grass- aka mud.

Colin turns 13! And the party is rockin'! Just back from bowling and pizza party at the PNSY. Sea Cadet connections really do work!

Peter's brother Alan and his wife Abbie came up from Towson, MD to visit and see Pat perform as Mary in the St. Christopher's Easter play.

We had a nice Easter visiting Pat's folks, Tom and Bev in York, ME despite the rain and cold weather.

Peter, Colin, and some of Peter's karate students pushing the dock floaters into the water Sunday April 30th. A little late since the "official" start to the boating season is the 15th, but we missed a couple of really bad storms that might have done some early Spring damage.

Happy Mother's Day Pat! From your Cote Drive Posse.

Though sunny, Memorial Day was very windy on the river and we all had to bundle up. Our friend Bud Clark spent the day with us.

Colin and Marissa off to first day of school 2000 as 8th and 6th graders.

Dad, Colin, Marissa, and Colin's friend Sean at Portsmouth Harbor Aug. of 2000 for the 75' viking ship visit.

Well, we got a great tree this year. Even had to clip a little off of the top!

First snow storm of the season 12/14 and Colin, Marissa, and Sheena had the day off from school and were out playing at 7am!

First snow storm of the season 12/14 and Colin, Marissa, and Sheena had the day off from school and were out playing at 7am!

Colin and Marissa Christmass 2000 picture.

Merry Christmas from the Roses!

We had a marvelous family gathering at the house. Here is a picture of 3 generations of the girls.

Colin made this apron for Pat in one of his general studies classes!

Colin and Marissa at the Samoset Resort in Rockland, ME over looking Penobscot Bay Christmas 2000.

Colin and Pat walked to the end of the Rockland Harbor breakwater at the Samoset Resort in Rockland, ME. The day before, all of us had walked out but the wind was so bad and waves so high that frozen spray was flying up over the breakwater and we had to make a hasty retreat! Much better conditions today, but Marissa and Peter decided to pass on the walk out this time.
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