Welcome to the website of...

Peter Rose and family

Peter Rose
Peter, February 2020

I started this website back in the late 1990s as a way for friends to keep up with my activities. The site has expanded since then in many ways beyond the few, simple pages of content I began with. I've met a lot of great folks from all around the world because of this site, and look forward to meeting many more.

The web in general has grown and changed considerably as well. Static personal web sites such as this one have mostly been replaced with interactive blogs, and other online social media and social networking sites such as Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.

As a senior web based business applications software engineer, I watched all of this development over the years with great interest, seeing what a remarkable change this was for building communicative relationships on a huge scale. When I started this site, not only wasn't that possible, it was unheard of.

But I had, and still have, no interest in broadcasting my activities to the world through these social media venues. Rather, I simply chose to continue with this basic, straight forward format.

The businesses I have, and have had, as referenced here are not social media type entities, anyway. They're simply activities that I engage in. Clients find me either by stumbling onto (er... that would be referred to) this site, word of mouth, or through standard marketing and advertising methods.

This isn't a web blog with interesting things being written about. It's just a way for me to record the ordinary things going on in our lives, as well as a central listing of the other activities I'm engaged in. I enjoy writing, and so this was more of a relaxing escape for me from my busy work life, and now a relaxing enhancement for me in retired life, than it is to provide witty entertainment for casual visitors.

Getting Around...
Core Activities
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After The Blizzard.

Other Areas

Latest Events...
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Because Sue and I are both on injured reserve, we had a mild Christmas celebration.

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Again, because Sue and I are both on injured reserve, we had a mild New Year celebration.
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Colin visiting me after surgery Wednesday 12/11/24.


What's Happening...
      For this year's events from January to now, see this year's archive page.

Pitiful Disclaimer....
I'm sorry, but many times I get far behind in creating and posting the detail page and corresponding pictures that go along with an event entry. Bear with me as I try to keep up with these postings....

12/10/24: Day Before Surgery Decorating
Not knowing quite what my surgery tomorrow will be like, we got to it today finishing off general Christmas decorating as well as our great little tree.

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What a great idea Sue had to put the tree into an old metal can!

12/11/24: Hip Surgery
So off we go to the hospital for my surgery on a cold December day. It was way too early in the morning for me, even on best of days: we had to be at the hospital at 5:45 am o'dark clock.... Ugh!

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Colin visiting me after surgery Wednesday 12/11/24.

Though the surgery is major, the technology has improved so much since my 01/06/10: The Great Hip Replacement Ordeal that I was up and walking around just a couple hours after being moved out of recovery. Great results thanks to Dr. Peter Dirksmeier at Wentworth Douglas Hospital in Dover, NH.

Colin came by that afternoon to see me briefly as he was on duty (Dover Fire and Rescue). It was so nice of him to make that effort to visit. I so appreciated that.

As a precaution, they decided I should stay the night for monitoring as otherwise I would have been released that afternoon. But that was fine with me, and glad I stayed over as they were able to more effectively manage my pain meds through the night than I would have been able to. That enabled me to feel so much better when Sue got me home the next day.

However, I've had a battle with the meds from surgery and tough adjusting them. But again: so much better as I'm more in a 'relaxed state of pain' as opposed to the pain that you can't sleep with. I'm not quite 2 weeks out from that surgery, doing well, but major surgeries just kick the shit out of you. The shit has been kicked out of me....

12/17/24: Lucas Arrives From LA
We picked Lucas up from the bus terminal in Dover today after he flew into Boston Logan from LA.

He'll be with us for a couple of weeks, and then Jill will drive up from Westerly, RI for Christmas Eve and Day with us.

I'm just a week out from surgery, and already able to sit in the car for that drive. Have been feeling pretty good, but again some issues as I adjust to the medications and inherent pain associated with major surgery. Just have to take it easy and pace myself....

And Sue now has to take it easy as she had broken her toe a couple weeks ago and thought nothing of it until she just felt uneasy about it so went into the local ready clinic affiliated with our hospital. Turns out she has some sort of really bad viral infection that they caught just in time before it became a major issue.

12/25/24: Christmas
Because Sue and I are both on injured reserve, we had a mild Christmas celebration.

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Relaxing Christmas Eve dinner with Lucas and Jill.

01/01/25: New Year 2025
Again, because Sue and I are both on injured reserve, we had a mild New Year celebration.

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Our friend Gail came for an overnight New Year celebration, and she and Sue had a great time working on projects on the dining room table New Year's Eve.

01/08/25: First Dinner Out Since Surgery
Now that I'm 4 weeks out from my surgery and feeling better, we decided to celebrate that, as well as my 01/06/10 right hip replacement, and Sues gradual recovery from her broken toe.

To good health to all in this New Year!

Site content Copyright © 1999 Peter Rose.
No use of any site content, written or photography, allowed without permission.
Peter Rose, zzrose - at - yahoo - dot - com