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New Mexico Trip 07/16/11

  1. 0716_Albuquerque
  2. 0718_Rt14ToSantaFe
  3. 0719_SantaFe
  4. 0720_HighRoadToTaos
  5. 0721_Taos-Gorge-TaosPueblo
  6. 0722_BackToALB-AerialShots

07/19/11 Tuesday
Tuesday we roamed around Santa Fe, checking out all of the sights there and poking our heads into several of the shops and sidewalk street vendors. We both sort of felt that the prices should have been much, much better considering that there were so many vendors selling basically the same things. Mostly, it is jewlery. Though beautiful, when there is so much one piece just blends into the next until you are left feeling that how special could it be if everyone has such spectacular work. The prices would be in line if offered in a large city somewhere, but here the pieces lay like sparkling rocks on a beach of endless colorful Native American blankets spread out on the sidewalks surrounding the square.

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