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New Mexico Trip 07/16/11 0716_Albuquerque
Sue and I had a marvelous vacation to New Mexico 07/16/11 where we visited my disciple Carl Parker and his now wife Sheina in Alburquerque, back road over Rt. 14 up to Santa Fe for a couple of days, and then up to Taos for a couple of days as well.
It took me quite awhile to get these pictures posted because Sue took 600 (yes, six-hundred) pictures, and it was quite an adventure culling through them to get the most representative shots. Regardless, we have some spectacular memories of our trip. And here's the day by day travalog for your entertainment.
- 0716_Albuquerque
- 0718_Rt14ToSantaFe
- 0719_SantaFe
- 0720_HighRoadToTaos
- 0721_Taos-Gorge-TaosPueblo
- 0722_BackToALB-AerialShots
07/16/11 Saturday
Sue and I drove over to Manchester to catch an 11:40am Southwest flight out to Albuquerque, NM via Baltimore on Saturday 07/16. We had enough time in Baltimore before our 1:40pm connector, so we had lunch at the Silver Diner before heading to the gate. We also had a pretty good sets of backgammon at 34,000 feet on the 4 hour flight!
We rented a car from Thrifty rental and drove out to my long time karate disciple Carl Parkers and his now wife Sheina's home just northwest of Albuquerque at the base of the Sandia mountains.
They took us to a marvelous Mexican restaurant at the base of the Tramway, Sandiago's, for dinner Saturday night. We knew enough to take it easy as we were up 5,300 feet, so we were in bed at a reasonable time.





07/17/11 Sunday
After coffee on Sunday, we all headed out to The Range for breakfast - fun, colorful, and good food. Got to the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center just before the 11:00am White Eagle Native American dance and drum group from the Zuni tribe perform traditional dances.
From the cultural center, they took us on a drive through the Old Town section of Albuquerque, followed by a lunch of noshes and six wine samplings at the St. Clair Winery on their back patio.
It was nice to then get back to their home to rest and regroup before heading to the Sandia Peak Ski and Tramway (the longest unsupported span in the world) to the 10,800 foot top and 7:30pm dinner at the High Finance restaurant at the top of the mountain.
Though the sunset was muted from the smoke particulate in the air from all of the fires, it was still a spectular sight to watch the colors change on the surrounding mountains and then the lights of the city coming on. We caught the 8:45 tram down and were in bed by 10:30pm, the altitude finally catching up with us.

















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