So it seems like every other day from 01/16/24 there was some sort of storm - rain and/or snow - that hit us. And along with that was daily temperatures ranging from 20F to 38F degrees.
Beau enjoying rolling in the snow the day after one of the storms.
Looking out through the rain streaked porch screens 01/13/24,
Sue got this picture of me taking Beau out for a walk in the woods behind the house on 01/16/24. There was probably about 6 inches down at the time, the wind whipped snow was blowing everywhere, and Beau and I just loved it.
I snapped this picture of the woods in the storm probably not long after Sue took the above shot. I'm glad I had Beau as I could have easily gotten turned around on the way back, but he sniffed his way through the snow and found where he and Sue had tracked through the day before.
I snapped this picture of Sue snowshoeing back from waling Beau through the woods on 01/19/24 on the morning after another few inches had fallen overnight.
And again on 01/24/24 we got hit with another storm, probably dropping an additional 4 inches on top of the remaining 5 inches that was left after a few days of bright sun evaporating at least 4 or so inches from previous storms.