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10/15/22: Mia Overnight

Sue was so excited to have Mia for an overnight visit because she had so many interesting projects lined up she wanted to share with her. We all had a great time.

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After meeting Marissa to pick Mia up Saturday morning 10/15/16, we drove over to take Beau for a hike out to the waterfalls on the Community Rail Trail.

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When we got back to the house, Sue and Mia set out to make applesauce from some of the apples Sue and I had picked at Butternut Farm Thursday 10/06/22.

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Mia found Sue's magic rain stick, and loved playing with it.

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Saturday night floor pizza party watching Mia's movie pick of the night: 'Hocus Pocus 2'.

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Sunday morning making Halloween 'Witches Fingers' cookies.

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While Sue and Mia took Beau for a walk Sunday, they gathered some rocks for Mia to investigate when she got back to the house.

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But of course, before you can get into investigating rocks you have to do some head stands in the still damp grass.

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Mia showing me how Sue taught her to chip rocks to see what they are.

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Mia found this little worm scurrying through the grass, and stopped her rock chipping to check it out. Then she went about gathering up some of the chipped rocks to take back to show her mom, who will no doubt be thrilled to have Mia come home with a bag of rocks. But it's what grand parents do as 'pay back'.... Enjoy the rocks, Marissa!

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Mia loves to help Beau with his 'nose work' exercises. While I held him, she and Sue hid small open plastic dishes with hot dog pieces around the yard. When they called to me that they were done, I'd let Beau go, and we'd all yell, "Find it!". Beau would just go crazy, jetting off around the yard to find the treats. He just loves this, and he always finds all of them.

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Mia back home Sunday night in her pjs ready for bed with one of her dogs.

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