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07/18/20: Hamburgers and Comet Search

Saturday 07/18/20 was a fun mixed day of hamburgers and comet search.

It was such a beautiful, but hot, day that we had just hung around the house trying to keep cool. For dinner I grilled hamburgers stuffed with red onion that we enjoyed with a glass of wine.

And then we headed up the mountain on the other side of the valley from us to the ponds to see if we could spot the NEOWISE comet.

The local news discussed the comet this way:

The rare opportunity to spot a comet has arrived for evening skywatchers, and people may want to plan accordingly to look for the object on a clear night before it fades away.

Comets are far less predictable than the weather, and after NEOWISE passes, it is unclear when the next chance will come to spot a comet in the night sky.

After Comet NEOWISE fades away, it will not become visible in the night sky again until its next trip into the inner solar system in 6,800 years.

Unfortunately, it was so overcast that we didn't see a thing. But it was a great 'a-venture', and nice to do it with Steve and Cathy who had joined us in the search.

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The orange day lilies in the front of the house are starting to give way to the next bloomers.

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Just love those burgers!

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Sue, Cathy, and Steve discussing shutter speed and other arcane topics as the clouds weren't going to provide an opening tonight to see the comet.

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