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MNG: Movie Night At The Garrison Suspense Series: The Exorcist 04/07/12
Sue and I had everyone over Saturday night 04/07 for the next MNG: Movie Night At The Garrison Suspense Series: The Exorcist.
Now, I had set this up a couple of weeks ago and it never dawned on me that this event was sandwiched in between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. The Exorcist. Terrific. Nice planning job, Peter. Gad.....
Regardless of that, the 8 of us had a good time playing backgammon before the pizza arrived. How can you not have a good time with pizza and beer and some rowdy backgammon? Well, you just can't!

Sue took this early shot of Rick, Linda, and Me.

Sue praying to the Backgammon Gods to spare her. Or... maybe she's praying for the killer throw of victory!

Rick and Linda exchanging evil stares.

Frank and Brian in one of Frank's first games of backgammon.

Chris and Jim enjoying the action.

A cell phone shot of Sue and me.
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