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On Friday 10/22 Sue and I flew down to visit my brother Alan in Towson, MD. I had been wanting to go down for awhile and had been telling Sue about how nice Baltimore's Inner Harbor area was. So, I thought I'd take her down for her birthday to meet Alan and Abbie and do the waterfront tour.

We flew Southwest Airlines out of Manchester, NH down to BWI arriving around 12:30pm. Alan met us at the airport and we stopped off in Baltimore for a quick bite to eat before heading to Towson. Almost immediately after getting to Towson it was time to shop for the evening's dinner.
I had brought some CDs from home as I was just not going to listen to another year of Maria Callas... Not that I don't like Maria Callas, it's just that's all I've heard the last few times I've been down. So, I jazzed it up a little with Nuttin' But Stringz, Rod Stewart (The Great American Songbook, Vol. 1), Jason Mraz, Jack Johnson, and a few others - like Bach and Vavaldi. We did 'em all! Well, we did most of them with the others Saturday night. Alan and I cooked a Peruvian dish from the cook book that Sue had got me while she was in Lima at her son Lucas's wedding. Marvelous!
Saturday morning, Alan drove us down to Fell's Point and dropped us off to play. We wandered around the shops for an hour or so, grabbed a light lunch at Jimmy's Diner on the square, and then hopped onto one of the Water Taxies to the Inner Harbor area. We peaked into a bunch of the shops, and then I took Sue over to the National Aquarium as I thought she would enjoy that. I guess... she must have taken 200 pictures! I had to jam her through or we would have never got through the whole place! Whew!
Alan picked us up around 4pm and by the time we got back to Towson it was time to shop for food and wine again! We were on the prowl for a Sicillian red as we were going to be cooking a meal out of Alan's Italian cookbook. They looked so good, we bought a couple! And then a marvelous cooking adventure!
After dinner Saturday night we were all sitting around in the living room chatting when the glow of the full moon filled the window. We all jumped up and went out into the back yard to see it, and spontaneously all just started barking at the moon! What fun! Too bad for the neighbors... Who could have more fun!
Alan drove us down to BWI Sunday morning for our flight back. After I dropped Sue off at her place so she could unpack and get her stuff ready for work Monday morning, I came home, dumped my stuff, did some computer work, and then went food shoping for dinner. Sue came over about 6:00pm for dinner and then she called it an early night as she had to get up at 4:30am for work.

The guys just being guys....

Saturday morning looking along the boardwalk of Baltimore's Fell's Point area where Alan had dropped us off so we could catch the ferry.

Fells Point is so unique and interesting.

Interesting info.

Halloween decorations on top of one of the buildings on the square.

Patiently waiting for the ferry....

A shot back over the stern of the ferry as it leave the dock at Fells Point.

Baltimore downtown skyline.

A shot as the ferry passes the start of the Inner Harbor area.

A long shot of the main Inner Harbor shopping and restaurant area as the ferry approaches the dock.

You can board and tour this Coast Guard cutter and submarine.

Sue catches another great shot!

From the second story walkway looking down at a mime performing for the crowds.

Having great fun!

Sue having more fun than humans ought to have.

A passing photographer offered to take this shot of us. Thanks to him for this nice gesture.

We walked over from the main Inner Harbor area to the National Aquarium

Did Sue catch just the right composition to this or what! Amazing. Just amazing.

These volunteer divers were just getting into the water to feed some of the turtles and manta rays in the lower pools.

I saw this shot and grabbed Sue, shoved her into position, and demanded she, "Take the shot! Take the shot! Take it now, now, now!"

One of the display tanks on the way up the escalators.

Sue never misses the big shots.

More spectacular in person, but a nice clean shot.

Just blows me away....

and away...

and away...

Saturday afternoon The Great Hunters return with their bounty.

The Great Hunters prepare the meal. Never trust two old guys with knives! Stand clear!

Alan and Abbie ready to feast on the Saturday night's dinner.
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