Sunday 10/09, after a casual breakfast out on the deck, Sue and I headed over to Wagon Hill Park on Rt. 4 for a little hike through the woods and along the river. She took a bunch of shots and I'll pop just a few of those that I thought were particularly nice.

It was an interesting test of how well my leg and back have healed from my surgery as after it was all over, I was feeling pretty good. Oh, a little sore. But nothing major.
And then, Monday, Columbus Day, I took Sue on my Annual U.N.H. Walkabout. She brought her super Nikon D90 with her and got some spectacular shots. It was a beautiful Fall day, though the leaves had not as yet quite peaked. Most of the 'art' shots I will leave to her; the ones I selected to show are for the most part 'tourist' shots. I know, I know...