Fall is closing down with its deep rusts and chocolate browns and many leaves blanketing the ground. I just had to leave work early again Friday so I could drive out into the country side.
My long time student and disciple, Rick Downs, is always up for a "Road Trip", so when I called Friday, he was up for it, particularly when I told him I planned to have dinner at Dante's Pasta & Vino out in Barrington, NH.
It was a spectacular drive out along Route 9 to Route 125 in Barrington. There were still some leaves that were bright, bright red and yellow and orange. Anyway, too short of a drive, but really nice. Our meal was great, highlighted by our server, Wendy, who took good care of us. It was nice to be able to chat alone with Rick and go over his current study and work in karate that I didn't get a chance to do when everyone was together several weeks ago for the my 2008 Disciple Retreat.
Saturday was a reading day, for the most part. Marissa came over around lunchtime and carved my two pumpkins and made a huge mess of the table. But before she left, she cleaned everything up and you would have never known the disaster area in the picture existed.
Later that evening a bunch of us met up at Castaways restaurant here in Dover for some backgammon and dinner. After that, we came back to my place to watch the Blu-ray DVD I had rented, The Terminator - the first one.
Well, after we got done with that we just had to watch the second one as well since we were on such a roll. But I threw a flag on the field at midnight when there was some mumbling about watching the third one. Next week, maybe...
It rained pretty hard all Saturday night and into Sunday morning. But the sun broke around mid morning and it was beautiful sitting in the living room, reading, and watching the light pour off of the leaves rustling in a pretty stiff left over storm breeze.
Rick gave me a call around 1:30 and asked if I'd like to go up to the top of Mt. Agamenticus inland of York, ME to walk his dog, Samson. "Road Trip"! No problem; say no more. I'm in! I got some really good pictures; it was beautiful and you can see all the way from the Isles of Sholes up to The Presidential Range and Mt. Washington.
Marissa was waiting for me when I got home to go food shopping so I could help restock the college dorm; yet another weekend adventure!