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Birthday Dinner Out - 06/16/08
Colin and Marissa insisted on taking me out to dinner for my birthday. They swung by after Marissa got home from work, and we went up to Castaways on the river here in Dover.
We had a great dinner and a great time just talking and getting caught up on what's going on in everyone's lives. Then I had promised them I'd get Spiderman 3 in Blu-ray, so we charged back here to watch that. Unbelievable is all I can say about that in hi-def...
Of course, I had to have a small shot of Jack Daniels, and thought I'd introduce Colin to "Dr. Jack". He gagged and vowed "never again", but you never know about that. Particularly with the best Tennessee Sour Mash Bourbon Whiskey in the world. Bar none.

Colin and Marissa picking me up for dinner.

Me and Colin at the entrance to Castaways on the river in Dover.

Marissa and Colin in the parking lot looking east down the Coccheco River. Castaways is just to the right of this picture.

Marissa insisted on buying me a lottery ticket for my birthday, and she got a scratch ticket for each of us as well.
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