Father's Day is the most important day of the year for me. I am so proud of both Colin and Marissa that it is a joy for me to have this day for them.

Colin and Marissa swung by around noon, and drove down to BGs Boathouse in Portsmouth on the river for lunch. That's a great place, the view is really nice. And the food, though simple and basic, is really good. I had to have a Pina Colada to kick off the summer. I know, I know - a little late getting going here, but it's a start.
After luch, we continued on through Newcastle past the Wentworth and parked for a few minutes by the Coast Guard station. Then a casual drive through Strawberry Banke in Portsmouth to see the sights. The whole tourist deal!
We came back to Dover, and went on a short ride on Colin's boat. We were going to help him move a friend's yacht from the marina over to his mooring, but that got pushed back to later in the day. To compensate, we just cruised out into the moorage to visit our friend Neal on his catamaran, Ming. But Neal was off somewhere else, so Colin dropped Marissa and me off at the dock and then took his boat up river to Gary's to have them look at an issue he is having with his new engine.
I just came on home and relaxed, did some writing, can of soup for dinner, and then watched a movie. Nice day. Very nice day.