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Marissa's 17th Birthday 06/09/06

It was a great day to move Marissa out of the 16 year old bracket and into the big times at 17! I snuck downstairs around 2:00am and laid out some of her gifts so she would be surprised in the morning before she headed off to school. She was, but unfortunately all I got were the night before pictures because I was up so late putting the gifts out I never came conscience until she was heading out the door to school.

Her birthday party with her friends was supposed to be later that day after school down at her mom's, but it had been raining so badly for over a week that she rescheduled the party for next weekend. And it did rain so that was a good thing. At least she got my gift of an iPod, though she couldn't load the software right away. You needed a Windows 2000 or better machine to load the software onto and my XP was getting a new mother board because the 3.0 MHz cpu on it turned out to have issues. I had actually given her the iPod the day before because she had wanted to get it loaded. So she had to go down to the house at 11:00pm Thursday night to do that on the laptop.

But I had got her some other little gifts and cards so she would have something to open the morning of her birthday. When I finally did get downstairs, there was paper and crap all over the dining room so the surprise was a success. She was then off to dinner with her brother, mom, and grandparents so I went out shopping to get all the food to cook the dinner for Saturday night's backgammon party. That was my night...

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