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The Great 2006 New Years Backgammon Tournament And 3 Fire Chili Party 01/14/06
Well, I just have to have a backgammon party whether we really need one or not! And what better way to start off the New Year than to have a party? Since I couldn't think of a better way, on Saturday night Jan. 14th I hosted The Great 2006 New Years Backgammon Tournament And 3 Fire Chili Party!
As I wrote in my invitation letter about having a 3 Fire Chili:
" know the drill on this one: It will burn going in. It will burn going down. And it will burn… So this will be a great excuse for all L-O-S-E-R-S to whine about the fire in your tummy that seared your game."
But it wasn't that hot. Really. Very good though. I spent 3 hours Friday night making it and then I let it cook for 4 hours until I went to bed. Then Saturday evening I turned it back on at 5:50pm and let it slowly come up to temperature and simmer gently for another couple of hours. I served it in some neat "El Passo" taco shells that were shaped like bowls; it was great!
I also offered the following antagonizing statments in the letter to get everyone fired up:
"We will count won matches as a percentage of matches played to determine the championship blood match. To win a match, you must win 2 points - either by playing one game with the cube at 2, or by playing 2 or 3 single games to accumulate the necessary 2 points. The championship match will be to 3 points; no tears. There will be a cheap prize for first place; there are no prizes for 2nd place - well, that's what it says in the movie Top Gun..."
So, we had some pretty animated play though the night. David Shaw of York, ME finished up in 1st place and won the coveted cheap travel coffee mug. We never played a championship match because everyone was interested in tuning into the Patriots/Broncos division playoff that started at 8:00pm. Though a pretty good game, the Pats lost 27 to 13.

Most of the action was at the dining room table as many of our "regular" players were either away or sick - or maybe just sitting home watching the game...

Rick Downs readies his dice against me. I guess I used up all my good throws against him Thursday night when we played at Applebee's after karate class because I sure wasn't getting it done with him tonight...

Rick and Marissa had some nasty matches. Not sure how they came out against each other because I'm not sure everyone was keeping score the way that they should have. But I do know there was evil talk between them all night long. As usual...

Awful lot of noise and bad talk all night long from this group!

Play never stopped around the main table. Not even for dinner. You can see the chili in the taco shell bowls waiting for a break in the action.

Once the game started, everyone moved into the living room though I played a couple of final sympathy games with Tim House during half time.

Woke up Sunday morning to this snow blanket from overnight. I didn't really think it was cold enough to snow as it had been raining all day Saturday fairly consistently.
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