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The Great 2005 Spring Fling Backgammon Tournament And Pizza Special 04/23/05

Hey! It's time for a Spring Fling backgammon tournament! You are invited Saturday April 23rd from 5:00pm on until it's done - whenever that ends up being! As usual, we'll cap off the evening with a movie, so come on over!

There is no schedule of events or timetable; this is an open house party so come when you can and leave when you can't stand it anymore. But, I need to know if you will be here for dinner so I can buy the right amount of stuff - so please respond to this email as soon as you can and let me know. Pizza is the only way to go to welcome in Spring in New England!

I'll have some Coor's Lite, Pinot Grigio, some red wine, chips and dip and soda. If you have a board, bring it with you. Thanks! And dress casual as low scorers get floor seating for the movie. I call the couch!

If you are new to backgammon, we can show you how to play and to trash talk about it. Or you can just listen to some music, trash talk in general, play some chess in the library, or help the chef!

I know this one is sort of short notice but I've been so busy with work that it just slipped my mind that it has been since St. Patrick's Day I hosted a party. Not good! If you can't make this one, there will be more.

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Colin, David Houdek, Marissa, and David Shaw in deep concentration over their games early in the tournament.

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Mike Houdek squares off against Tim House in one of many games they played.

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Colin and David Shaw could not stop irritating each other all night with the trash talk.

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David Houdek almost out of camera range looked as though he could use rescuing from Marissa's onslaught. She ran really cold for the early part of the night but never lost her trash talk. The dice finally turned for her and there was hell to pay and much weeping as she tore into several previous opponents.

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David Shaw and Tim House pause to acknowledge their fans.

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Marissa hard at work getting the pizzas going in the oven. She was a great help, as usual. Maybe she was too focused on the pizza preparation as the reason she didn't score too well the first few games.

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David Houdek and Colin in one of their games. Mike Houdek tries to look innocent, but he was just egging them on something wicked.

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I seem pretty focused in this game with Tim House. We had quite a few fun games. Glad Tim could make it over tonight!

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Tim House and Rick Downs appear to be plotting strategy here - but where is the opponent? Maybe this is just trash talk practice?

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David Shaw caught in characteristic form: on the run with a plate of food! Great, Dave. Have a seat and throw the dice...

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So he did. I guess he was hurrying to get back to our game. Hey! No pizza for me? Ok. I see how it's gonna be...

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David Shaw and I continue with our game in the background while Colin and Rick Downs fight it out. These guys had been talkng bad about each other since the last party. I'm not real sure how they ended up overall score wise, but from all the yelling and hollering going on between them I'd say they at least had a good time.

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Sherrie Sheehan pauses briefly in her thumping of me to smile for the camera. But that's really not a smile so much as a smirk against me. She kicked my ass really good at 12 - 4. But I'm still smiling. I'll get you, Sherrie. I'll get you, and your little dog Toto too...

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Tim House squares off against Marissa. He's still alive so I guess Marissa likes him. But only if she wins...

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David Shaw and Mike Houdek pause. What's that? You can't remember whoose throw it is? No matter. Talk bad. Aggression makes up for weak memory. Works for me!

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That's Colin reaching to the board to move against the famous tag team of Rick Downs and David Houdek.

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I was glad to see that I was not the only one to get their ass kicked. Tim House was wise enough to sit this one out as Sherrie shows Rick Downs the back of her hand. Wicked! Just wicked... Thanks for comin' by, Sherrie. Appreciate it a lot...

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Mike Houdek displays his glee at getting Colin on the ropes as David Houdek and David Shaw watch on. You can just see Mike's lips forming "Who's n-e-x-t!"

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Ooops! I guess there is more than one way to win at backgammon as David Shaw demonstrates to Mike Houdek. Hey, great idea. Anybody see where Sherrie went to...

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It appears that Daivd Shaw has settled down to finish Mike off according to the rules. Mean while, David Houdek kibitzes a game between Colin and Tim House. I think it was Tim who suggested to David's dad that he could just tie a rope around David's chest so he doesn't fall while trying to keep up running alongside the car on the way home later...

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Marissa looks on as Rick Downs plays Sherrie Sheehan. It's ok, Rick. She's at least nice enough to wipe the rust off the blade before she jams it in your chest.

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Nobody pays any attention to the photographer. It's ok. Don't anybody offer to smile or anything. Just wait til you sit across from me next time. All you'll hear me say is "Throw, double, take or pass. Decide..."

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