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Christmas Day 12/25/04

Well, this is the first time I have spent Christmas day alone in 55 years. But Colin and Marissa - God love 'em! - came over for a couple of hours in the morning and really made my day.

As can be seen in most of the pictures, the weather was just spectacular for December in New England. It almost looks like we could be in California or something, but there was a good bite in the air and a couple days later we got hammered pretty good with a winter storm.

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Colin and Marissa arrive Christmas morning. It was so great to see them drive up! Just made my day!

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Marissa was not hearing posing for pictures; she just wanted in!

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Colin was not far behind.

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Looks like Santa made it during the night!

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Demonstrating to the fans how the group pictures were going to be taken from. There was little enthusiasm for this discussion and it was voted to be terminated to get on with "other things"...

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We see here one of the activities that took presidence over the group photograph discussion.

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I managed to persevere in the face of adversity and got everyone together for this shot. Thanks for coming over, guys!

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As is clearly shown in this picture that Colin caught, Marissa was insistent upon ceasing with the picture taking.

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And no wonder she wanted to get on with other things: she just couldn't stand seeing the big present propped up against the wall with her name on it! I had got her a K2-Mini 142 snowboard that she had wanted. It was all we could do to keep her from heading out for the slopes right after this picture was taken. She was all set!

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Colin caught me in the throws of opening the gift he got for me: a DVD movie storage rack. He was tired of seeing my collection stacked haphazardly against the base of the tv stand. And Marissa added to that stack as her present to me was the movie I-Robot. I'm all set!

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And here's Colin opening the gift that I got for him: a digital camera. He had wanted one of those for quite awhile. It was tough talking to him for about 30 minutes as he totally wore out the batteries in that time fooling around with it. He ran the batteries down by taking several short movie clips with it; that really pulls the juice out of ordinary batteries.

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And here's a final shot of all of us just before the kids had to head out to meet up with their Grandparents and their Aunt Kathy and her husband Nick.

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