Rose School of Karate 2016 Disciple Retreat

I had gone to the airport on Wednesday to pick up my disciple Carl Parker who had flown in for my 2016 Annual Karate Disciple Retreat. We had a great time catching up on the drive to my place and at home until Sue got home from work and the party could start!

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The retreat started Friday morning at 8:00am and continued until Sunday at noon. As usual, it was a pretty intense and demanding series of presentations and discussions. Friday night we had a simple spaghetti dinner, but Saturday night, everyone pitched in starting around 5:00pm to help prepare a lemon chicken meal on a bed of thyme steamed rice with sides of sauted mushrooms and green beans with onion and squash.

Because of the scope of discussions that I wanted to have over the three days, I had created and printed up a 30 page study guide for everyone. That way, they could all follow along as I worked my way through the material.

After everyone left on Sunday, Carl and I had the rest of the day to focus in on things relevant to his particular studies and work. Sue and her friend Gale had gone down for the weekend to The Cape. When I got her call around 4:45pm that they were within 30 minutes of Epping, NH. Carl and I jumped in the car and drove down to meet them there. That way Gale could just head off from there to home and not have to come all the way over to the coast to drop Sue off.

Carl and I had gone food shopping earlier in the day, and so after Sue had a chance to unwind a little bit, we all poured a glass of wine and I cooked dinner: baked cod in a Djon mustard, soy sauce, and local maple syurp marinade with fresh ears of corn stemed in rosemary infused water.

I drove Carl back to the airport Monday morning, having a nice closing conversation with him concerning the issues that we had been focusing on over the last 4 days.

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