Rose Family Vacation To Universal Studios 02/24/03 - Universal Studios
Universal Studios really contains 3 areas: Universal Studios, Islands of Adventrue, and City Walk.
Islands of Adventure is completely new since we first visited. It is filled with all kinds of rides - The Hulk being the kids favorite. Not to be gross, but I think just watching The Hulk is enough to make a lot of people throw up. But Marissa loved it. She must have gone on it a dozen times. After about 5 times, she finally convinced Colin to try it, and then he was hooked. Neither Pat or I would bite...
City Walk is lined on both sides with different resturants and night clubs. Across a pretty river from City Walk is the Hard Rock Cafe and Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville, both of which we ate at and have "stores" about. Enjoy the tour!
The main entrance to Universal Studios. We had to yell at the kids to hold up and come back to get this picture as they were through the gates and way ahead of us.
Are these guys ready to cover the park, or what?
A little Motown Get Down! with the "Blues Brothers". It's a wild show, and not to be missed!
What a place the Hard Rock Cafe is! Just as we got our table, the place went up for grabs: some of the waiters jumped up on tables while others danced through the rooms encouraging everyone to get on their feet and sing along to "YMCA". Great food and a great time! A couple of days later we walked by around dinner time and someone had rented the entire place for a private party!
The NBA City Club. Marissa insisted that we eat dinner there. Everything is, well: big...
Marissa wasn't that impressed with "Dr. Doom". They strap you in and shoot you to the top of one of the towers and then you drop, bobbing up and down on the end of huge bungee cords. Not my idea of a good time. Pat and I sat it out and watched...
A long view of The Hulk from across the river. Pretty impressive...
Pat was intrigued by the description of the resturant Mythos and so we went there for lunch. Unbelievable is all I can say. You just have to go there and see the place for yourself! And the food was great as well!
Islands of Adventure is full of water rides. Of course, everyone but me went on this one. Sorry, I just don't do rides where I feel my insides trying to come out through my ears and nose...
Another Islands of Adventure water ride. I pass...
The crew ready to enter another water ride. They came out the other end considerably soaked and cold and not so many smiles - until they dried off.
The Hulk about to dive underground.
Another shot of The Hulk. Not interested one little bit! It was all I could do to take the picture.
Another water ride.
This is a follow up to the last picture. The crew is ignoring me - despite knowing that I have the camera amimed at them - because they are in the process of ending the ride but see that the worst of the soaking is yet to come. In fact, for fifty cents, you can push a button that fires off water cannons along this final streatch - which many people delight in doing. So Marissa just had fifty cents and did her part to someone else after getting off.
As you can see, when the ride says that you will get wet, guess what? You will get wet. Very wet. Soaked. Believe the signs...
The famous Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville resturant and outdoor "poarch" called the "Poarch of Indecision"
More Hulk...
A rare shot of companionship because Marissa had finally convinced Colin to go on The Hulk.
The aforesaid mentioned Hulk - once again.
Pat and I after lunch in front of Mythos.
The Hulk in an inverted dive. Did someone see my stomach anywhere...
This could have been a nice picture at the entrance to City Walk, but the guys just thought it was a very "juvenile" thing for them to have to pose for. Teen agers...
Marissa has had a deep interest in the Titanic for years. She has read several books about it and watches every documentary on tv. Pat heard there was a special exhibit in Orlando and got tickets. It was fantastic! This is a picture of a reproduction of the Grand Staircase - there are even a couple of small original sections that have been restored. It was almost a 2 hour guided tour. Well worth looking into even if you don't have a burning interest in the Titanic.
And who says our guys have a tough time meeting new folks?
Ahhhhh, the famous "Poarch of Indecision" at Jimmy Buffett's Margraritaville where I had my first ever Margarita. I could see more research will be necessary in this area...
And here we sat for about an hour sipping our - what else - Margaritas, waiting for the kids to finish up at Islands of Adventure and numerous runs at The Hulk. You can sit here in these chairs and watch the whole world march past. Ma-va-louse. Ab-so-lute-ly-ma-va-louse...
Would we have had a way to get this chair out of the park and on the plane, Pat would have bought it! She reluctantly had to settle for this picture.
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